I got bored with the mad menus with multiple styles so they’re relegated to a list on the front page. Also, as only my cv was in spanish, the lang menu has gone too…

An interesting article is on openp2p.com in which Tim O’Reilly talks about “piracy” as progressive taxation. Some good points here, including “File sharing networks don’t threaten book, music, or film publishing. They threaten existing publishers. ” Yes.

Is it pretentious to have all the styles I create for the site simultaneously available in order, so visitors can see the “evolution” of the site? Yes, of course it is! But I’m not going to let that stop me, am I?

FINALLY! ADSL in the house! Woohoo! ahem… anyway…

Another day, another stylesheet: 3 (and also his minimalist brother, 4)

Just looking at this site in Netscape 4… hilarious! Guess I should swap my

s for
    s and whatnot… Anyway, for the moment it works in everything else, including links, lynx, konqueror (all the biggies ;) and it’s fine on wap, too.

So it seems like the only workaround so far for the opera bug is to fix the width of the boxes… which kind of defeats the object, but there it is (for the moment)…

Very disappointed that opera doesn’t deal with the floating boxes on “page a”… try resizing this in IE and watch everything dive around looking for space ;) [works with mozilla – still looking for the opera workaround…]