New Forms of Online Communication Spell End of Email Era in Korea, according to The Chosun Ilbo. “I use email when I send messages to elders”.
"We Are Not Evil"
The Inquirer discovers a “record” label that isn’t evil.
domipix rss feed

I’ve added an RSS 2.0 feed to so if you’re into the Photo A Day thang you can keep up with the additions as they come in.
And the award for most frustrating web build goes to…
Mark Maher American Polaroids. Jesus Christ! What a mess! Just show me the freakin’ photos, for F’s sake!
Scary drive
Rollei Prego
Is it just me, or is “Prego” an odd choice of name for a super-slim camera?
Just realised it’s been ages since I put a photo on my blog… so here you go.

More Apple bashing
Honestly! I don’t go looking for this stuff! I don’t need to – it’s like shooting fish, but more satisfying. Apple Rating: WTF is This?
Audio shaker
Put some sounds in, shake and presto!
And it doesn't even *sound* good!
Not that I’m setting out to deliberately bash the iPod Photo, but… it buzzes.