Hmmm, tasty!

There’s this little Japanese bar on Muntaner just above Mallorca and I’d always seen it from the bus and thought I really must go there. Well, finally I did. I wish I hadn’t waited so long! The name is Catalan (Una Mica de JapĆ³) but the place is as authentic as I can imagine, taking into account I haven’t been to Japan.

What I noticed passing by on the TMB number 66 was that usually the people at the little bar were Japanese. Good sign. Anyway, recommended, if you want what I expect is what your mama would cook you at home, if your mama was Japanese.

More CSS work.

Socialtext Open screenshot

I’ve been doing a lot more HTML/CSS recently than backend stuff, which suits me actually. Anyway, this is for Socialtext Open, the Wiki platform for which I’ve been doing a fair bit of work recently. It’s quite an extensive and varied app, so dealing with the CSS is quite an interesting challenge. The HTML is fixed (without getting your hands dirty – it’s OSS so you can dive in and do what you like) although it’s possible to set up a custom javascript insert in the config through which the DOM can be manipulated to suit. In this example, it’s used to add an automated onion-skinning technique for the sidebar boxes and some other tricks (font-size toolbar, etc.)

Inactivity, the bane of the blog…

Well, as the majority of people who know they have stuff to say on a blog, do I ever get around to posting? Almost never… very poor form having a post about not posting in order to post something, but there you go :|