vnunet’s Websites don’t like Mondays (“Developers implementing ‘weekend inspiration’ are more dangerous than hackers”) still managed to end with “However, you still get managers who don’t understand the technology and want changes implemented yesterday. If it goes wrong it’s the developer that ends up with egg on the face.” Which is true. Obviously. But in my experience ‘weekend inspiration’ gets implemented *at the weekend*… then *fixed* on monday…

Things must be getting bad. For the first time I commented a perl regex today! (Must be too much sun…)

So, no posts for weeks… well, I can’t think of anything to say for which there would be any point. I’d either be stating the obvious (wtf is going on?) or creating a flamewar with no likely resolution… More if/when I think of it.

F**king thugs! F**king useless ba**ard! Obviously I’m talking about Bayer Leverkusen and referee Stéphane Bré, respectively. But enough of the pussy-footing around – let me tell it straight. Bayer, in the absence of any quality, or even raison d’être, decided to use that favourite of skill-free and inconsequential teams – thuggery – to stop Saviola and Co. They were aided and abetted most excellently by one of the greatest shows of refereeing inemptitude I’ve seen for ages, which is saying a lot.

Don’t get me wrong – Barça were way below-par, but when thugs like Kleine and Kaluzny get to throw attackers around with no fear of cards, it’s hard to get started.

From SitePoint newsletter: “New Official CSS Site Not Compatible with Internet Explorer”. No problem with standards-compliant browsers though. Well, good. There aren’t many groups or individuals that could or would go out on this particular limb and say “it doesn’t work in IE? Tough.”