Just looking at this site in Netscape 4… hilarious! Guess I should swap my <div>s for <ul>s and whatnot… Anyway, for the moment it works in everything else, including links, lynx, konqueror (all the biggies ;) and it’s fine on wap, too.
So it seems like the only workaround so far for the opera bug is to fix the width of the boxes… which kind of defeats the object, but there it is (for the moment)…
Very disappointed that opera doesn’t deal with the floating boxes on “page a”… try resizing this in IE and watch everything dive around looking for space ;) [works with mozilla – still looking for the opera workaround…]
This is cool.
Just talking to Millo – Jesus, he’s a foul-mouthed fecker^Wyoung man…
Been messing around with web “design” again, to work on the site for Deeze. Silly DHTML scrolling thingie, fixed size, tables for layout, transparent images for spacing, large images… all the stuff I always try so hard to persuade a client not to do ;) (And the navigation could be described as unintelligible or intuitive, depending how you look at it…)
bcn.es now has satellite photography: my apartment; my old apartment; goodtech bcn
VRML is much nicer than the last time I looked at it. (Fiddly, but nice…)
Finally, I’ve found a possibly valid application for VRML: the visualizations I’ve been trying to produce. One of the real disconnects in this whole thing is the way the end-user/client can’t interact with the data in the same way I can while developing it. Even if I *could* get a good movie output. Maybe VRML can be the answer I’ve been looking for?
Obviously, the day after I finally get around to starting the blog, blogger.com gets 0wNzed (or whatever it is these krazy kidz say these dayz…) Seems to be back and OK now though…