Some more of Eva’s mirrorproject photos: Londres 37 #1, Londres 37 #2, Londres 37 #3
OK, OK, I give in: time for a Beckham story… Good article at on Raul’s influence over Madrid although I’m not sure about the Hierro part of this story.
Even more mirrorproject: bedroom #1; bedroom #2; bedroom #3.
Steve Jobs and Jeff Bezos meet “Ginger”, an HBS Working Knowledge article containing themes we’ve all seen… “Screw the lead times. You don’t have a great product yet!”
What’s Happening? – an interesting interview with Noam Chomsky at the Alternative Press Review about the goings on in American foreign policy and the real reasons behind the invasion of Iraq. “Well, we can be quite confident on one thing. The reasons we are given can’t possibly be the reasons.” Quite.
Is it just me, or is quite pants? Especially considering what it used to be like. Curiously, is disallowed, along with everyone except googlebot.
I cut my hair. Short.
Some more mirrorproject fun: spoon #1 by Eva; Maremagnum; me at milán
vnunet’s Websites don’t like Mondays (“Developers implementing ‘weekend inspiration’ are more dangerous than hackers”) still managed to end with “However, you still get managers who don’t understand the technology and want changes implemented yesterday. If it goes wrong it’s the developer that ends up with egg on the face.” Which is true. Obviously. But in my experience ‘weekend inspiration’ gets implemented *at the weekend*… then *fixed* on monday…
Things must be getting bad. For the first time I commented a perl regex today! (Must be too much sun…)