There’s nothing like a nice pair of cans, is there? Well, if you’re into it, check out Headph0ne Phet1sh, where “you’ll find all manner of ladies wearing all kinds of headphones”. Headph0ne Phet1sh is pretty impressive for the sheer quantity of content and as they say, “don’t knock it until you’ve tried it”.
Barcelona or Bust!
I’ve just got a new flat sorted out in Barcelona, so I’M BACK! I have to say, it’s nice to be in BCN again. Big shout out and ’nuff respeck to Lio for the use of his fun bouncy sofa bed while I was looking for a flat.
The new flat, which I’ll be sharing with the Brown Bear, is on Valencia and is quite mad, frankly! Anyway, feel free to visit ;)
(Sorry, nicked the title from the Manchester crew.)
Less is more
The complete lack of design on this site is growing on me. Maybe I’ll just leave it like this…
WordPress 1.5 update
I’ve been threatening to upgrade this blog to WordPress 1.5 for a while, to bring it up to date with domipix and Brown Bear. Now I have, but the style is just a plain version of the theme from It’ll be changin’…
From my limited experience of Fox News (it’s hard to stand for too long), this seems like a great idea, if it was technically likely to work. FOX Blocker filters out FOX News when you put it inline on your cable input. It’s just a notch filter for a certain frequency, so it’s only going to work with analogue input and only if the frequency is the same. But I don’t suppose that’s the point – the fact of buying it (and getting your name added to an email to the top 10 advertisers on FOX News, to let them know that you’ve opted out of seeing it) is the point. They say openly that they’re a for-profit business but that they will do the right thing and pass on any profit to anti-FOX News sites.
Latte art
Some very nice designs created in the foam of coffee cups over on flickr. Check out the lion! Heads-up by the great MAKE: BLOG.
glow brick
Doggie style
Now this I like: Kaloo, the WebCam dog. I especially like the cable going up his arse – very fetish.
Skype phones
Now that Skype let you buy credit for SkypeOut in Spain with Paypal, rather than being stuck with Moneybookers (nothing wrong with it, per se, but hassle to add credit last time I checked), I’m looking out for cool VOIP phone sets. Maybe a headset would be simplest, but I’d like to check out the possible normal-style handset phone options as well. This one at Maplin looks OK – they don’t say what brand it is, just “USB Skype Phone”, so if anyone know anything about it, let me know, pls. [I’ll add anything else I find on VOIP phones in general on this item…]
[Update: no sooner said than googled: this Skype USB to RJ11 adaptor looks pretty cool, if a little pricey (if you compare with a USB handset).]
It’s bloody snowing! In Tarragona! Last time this happened, they had a book about it. (Photo clichés to come…)