Eddie Adams: What A Guy from CBSNEWS.com.
Is Google News Biased?
Interesting article at Search Engine Watch.
Isometric pixel niceness
Sorry if this is old news, but I’d never seen DC Flyby, which is of all things a US government site. It’s a slice of some pretty nice pixel art. And large.
Esta Puta reaciona a tu toque y hay una gama de opciones de montaje!

(Y además la puedes colgar en la pared, dicen…) Probablamente no están pensando en vender este producto en el mercado español. Pero, tambien puede ser que sí! Atacama Puta. “Elegante y silenciosa” ;)
More Creative MuVo microdrive hacking
Over at VR-Zone Hardware, they’ve worked out what all photogs wanted to know: could the new MuVo (the 2 version) be used as the source material for v. cheap CF storage? Looks like the answer is yes.
iMac fun
A lot o'weather
The Greediest Monopoly on Earth
RIAA forced technology weed to choke it from The Reg.
Would you like to see my etchings?
Must be the best comment I’ve had on my pbase gallery so far: 2004-09-01 (at the bottom)
It’s a bit like the annoying kid at school who everyone tells to push off, but they keep coming back just in case you want to talk to them. MSNbot, on seeing my “bugger off” in robots.txt, deserved thanks to its full-on approach to spidering that comes in somewhere between a DoS and a handy revenue generation trick for your ISP, now comes back to double-check the robots.txt file anywhere between every couple of hours and every couple of minutes. Get the message, MSNbot! ‘Op it!
Seriously, though, so many web admins are denying MSNbot spidering in robots.txt that it could find itself with large holes in the index. Or maybe that’s the plan? Make holes in the index, where there would be sites run by savvy admins. Leading to more sites run by non-savvy, or bandwidth-ambivalent admins. i.e. people trying to run IIS and Big Corps.
But now I’m just being paranoid.