Things must be getting bad. For the first time I commented a perl regex today! (Must be too much sun…)

So, no posts for weeks… well, I can’t think of anything to say for which there would be any point. I’d either be stating the obvious (wtf is going on?) or creating a flamewar with no likely resolution… More if/when I think of it.

Fking thugs! Fking useless ba**ard! Obviously I’m talking about Bayer Leverkusen and referee Stéphane Bré, respectively. But enough of the pussy-footing around – let me tell it straight. Bayer, in the absence of any quality, or even raison d’être, decided to use that favourite of skill-free and inconsequential teams – thuggery – to stop Saviola and Co. They were aided and abetted most excellently by one of the greatest shows of refereeing inemptitude I’ve seen for ages, which is saying a lot.

Don’t get me wrong – Barça were way below-par, but when thugs like Kleine and Kaluzny get to throw attackers around with no fear of cards, it’s hard to get started.

From SitePoint newsletter: “New Official CSS Site Not Compatible with Internet Explorer”. No problem with standards-compliant browsers though. Well, good. There aren’t many groups or individuals that could or would go out on this particular limb and say “it doesn’t work in IE? Tough.”