Another interesting take on copyright law: Lawrence Lessig’s What lawyers can learn from comic books in the ‘Herring where he talks about Japan’s dojinshi phenomenon. ‘The “use” of [the]copyrighted content therefore benefits the original author. … Manga publishers in Japan recognize this. They understand how “theft” can benefit the “victim,” even if lawyers are trained to make the thought inconceivable.’ I like pragmatism.
Some good news to get 2003 going: ‘DVD Jon’ scores huge legal victory. [Some background at]
Time to get back into the blogging swing of things… btw, happy new year.
An interesting article is on in which Tim O’Reilly talks about “piracy” as progressive taxation. Some good points here, including “File sharing networks don’t threaten book, music, or film publishing. They threaten existing publishers. ” Yes.
Is it pretentious to have all the styles I create for the site simultaneously available in order, so visitors can see the “evolution” of the site? Yes, of course it is! But I’m not going to let that stop me, am I?
FINALLY! ADSL in the house! Woohoo! ahem… anyway…
Just looking at this site in Netscape 4… hilarious! Guess I should swap my
- s and whatnot… Anyway, for the moment it works in everything else, including links, lynx, konqueror (all the biggies ;) and it’s fine on wap, too.