Dope on wax! (er, clay…)

This is quite a mad one – and yet obvious when you think about it. Pottery from thousands of years ago carries an ambient recording superimposed into the work of the artesan. A Belgian team have managed to extract the recording from a 6,500 year-old South American vase and some 1,000 year-old Latin from another from ancient Pompeii (if my French understanding is to be believed…) Follow the link, check the video.

MacIE no more <phew>

As a huge sigh of relief escapes most web front end developers around the world following Microsoft’s news of their dropping of IE for Mac, I’m quite looking forward to the fact that we’ll be able to test XHTML/CSS on Mac browsers that are more or less sane. It’s fairly amusing seeing MS recommend Safari as well ;)

Scoopt – citizen journalists get an outlet

For some reason, I saw Scoopt, thought it was a great idea, and neglected to write anything about it here! Anyway, allow me to do so now… From their FAQ:

What is Scoopt?

Scoopt is a media agency that has been created specifically to help members of the public sell photographs and videos of newsworthy events to the press.

There’s been a sudden interest in “citizen journalism” – at least in the UK – following the exclusives captured by cameraphones in the London Underground on 7th July and Scoopt is there specifically for this kind of reporting.

Anyway, right now Scoopt exists as a great idea, in need of more members from the general public. Join up on the Scoopt site.


Wow! We just got back from a tricky problem with the server… Gentoo (of which I’m still somewhat of a fan) decided to do some, er, interesting changes to config in the last emerge.

Thanks to Pete at Bytemark for some great help to get back online.

Go George!

I just watched the BBC’s video highlights (see main page) of George Galloway on Capitol Hill. I know, as most sane people know, that much of what constitutes American politics (don’t even mention “justice”) isn’t built on intelligent reasoning, but if that is the best Senator-lawyer combination they can come up with, it’s quite a scary situation.

In any case, nice one George – I hope they make the mistake of continuing to persue it!

Barcelona or Bust!

I’ve just got a new flat sorted out in Barcelona, so I’M BACK! I have to say, it’s nice to be in BCN again. Big shout out and ’nuff respeck to Lio for the use of his fun bouncy sofa bed while I was looking for a flat.

The new flat, which I’ll be sharing with the Brown Bear, is on Valencia and is quite mad, frankly! Anyway, feel free to visit ;)

(Sorry, nicked the title from the Manchester crew.)


From my limited experience of Fox News (it’s hard to stand for too long), this seems like a great idea, if it was technically likely to work. FOX Blocker filters out FOX News when you put it inline on your cable input. It’s just a notch filter for a certain frequency, so it’s only going to work with analogue input and only if the frequency is the same. But I don’t suppose that’s the point – the fact of buying it (and getting your name added to an email to the top 10 advertisers on FOX News, to let them know that you’ve opted out of seeing it) is the point. They say openly that they’re a for-profit business but that they will do the right thing and pass on any profit to anti-FOX News sites.


It’s bloody snowing! In Tarragona! Last time this happened, they had a book about it. (Photo clichés to come…)