Who hates dubbed films? I do. Series are even worse.

I don’t appreciate it when I run a trial of some software designed to protect my PC and in fact it turns out itself to be malware. I’m talking about Norton Antivirus (or Norton Virus, if you prefer). Anyway, once the trial is up, mysteriously the app can’t be found in Add/Remove Programs. LiveUpdate can, as can LiveReg, but of course, you can’t uninstall that while you have “Anti”virus installed. So, I’ll go to the Task Manager and stop the Norton processes (the systray icon has no “close”, “exit” or anything on its context menu). Can’t. It won’t stop. Great.


An ad I quite liked, seen on tucows:

Design Flashback

I’ve gone back to an old design for this site. It’s a bit more designy than the last one and has a fixed width, but I think I like it more. The background is a version of some data visualisation I did a while back.

According to Phones 4u, email is the “cancer of British business”, although to be fair, CEO John Caudwell does point out he’s referring to the misuse of email. Well, maybe they should crack down on those amongst their employes that send pointless email? I mean, the misuse of mobile phones is a Bad Thing, but should we ban them altogether? Dunno, let’s ask John…