Opera vs. MSN, again… Bork!
Salon on AOL’s unique copyright vs. consumer situation: AOL’s Jekyll and Hyde act
FFS! MSN deliberately breaks Opera’s browser. Wow, huge surprise… (Opera: Why doesn’t MSN work with Opera?)

Dunno how I missed this! All CDs will be protected and you are a filthy pirate. “…we fear that these facts don’t interest you at all. Because these measures mean the end of free music, something that must cause you much grief.” No comment.
yet more links to articles on p2p, music downloading, and all that stuff… Embrace file-sharing, or die is interesting, from John Snyder; odd position from the EU: EC allows music downloading in antipiracy proposal on IT World; and good old Janis again: Don’t Sever a High-Tech Lifeline for Musicians in the LA Times. (I didn’t mean “old” like that, Janis… ;)
Wired: The Race to Kill Kazaa – “Ultimately, the power to snuff Kazaa rests solely in the hands of Kazaa users. Getting them to do so means first giving them a better place to go.” [update: Kazaa strikes back at Hollywood, labels]
More IP stuff, this time Lisa M. Bowman talking to Robin Gross on news.com: Digital rights under fire. (This is going to turn into a specialized consumer rights/copyright law blog if I’m not careful…)
From ZDNet: Fight for your right to copy, noticed on SomaFM. Strangely right-on.