Tracking my time

by Csaba_Bajko
*Photo by Csaba_Bajko*

I’m not too bad with timetracking these days. I use Billable for invoicing and as long as I keep a vague eye on the time, and add the hours into Billable as they’re spent it’s not too much of a bind.

Recently, though, I’ve started using a solution that seems obvious, but I’ve never heard of it used (I haven’t Googled it, either, so I can very easily be proved wrong!) I’ve set up a screengrabbing utility to take a shot every 10 minutes, then if I have any doubts about what time I started on something – or more usually, until what time in the middle of the night I worked until – I can have a quick look back at the screengrabs and it’s all there.

The side benefit is that while I’m looking at the screengrabs as thumbs I can see the ratio of Google Reader to TextMate (for example) is quite obviously not balanced how it should be ;)

Open all hours

Trying to buy a Wifi connection card last night (or this morning, to be precise) I got a message from Telefonica’s online shop: “Store open between 12:00 and 07:00”!

What, the shopkeeper needs some downtime? I’ll refrain from saying “bloody typical”. Oops, just did…

Arthur C. Clarke

Arthur C. Clarke

Hero to every geek, most likely, and certainly one of mine.

90 isn’t a bad age for anyone, I think, and if you happen to be able meld science fiction and “real” science for most of that time, unbeatable. I think the fact that he wrote sci-fi that was so fact-checked and rigourous that it forms the basis of modern life is inspirational on so many levels. (Like now, sat in a hotel, using a phone to make a connection, seems like a very “Arthur moment” ;)

To infinity and beyond, brother!

Question Box: one-key, no-screen internet


This is an interesting idea, that seems slightly mad at first, then starts to make perfect sense once you think about it. Then it seems really obvious. Then it makes me think about that fact that I already provide this service to family members! Cool.

Starting as I mean to go on.

Uh-oh, a few hours into 2008 and I’m searching for wifi access points in Manchester. I’m not sure if that’s a good omen or a bad one.


Anyway, Happy New Year and if you’re a client, as you can see I’m just as connected as usual.

(And BTOpenzone… steep! Need to get sorted for Fon ASAP, although in Manchester there aren’t that many spots.)

Safari 3 oops


Tiger update 10.4.11 installs Safari 3, which seems all well and good. But it left Safari almost completely unusable. I could trick it into showing me a page by Cmd-clicking to open the URL in a new tab, but neither just typing in the URL and hitting return, nor clicking a link from bookmarks would launch it.

I noticed on Zeldman that he was having the same issue (albeit more seriously, leading to instant crash) to which a commentor suggested removing InputManagers. I removed just PicLens which cleared up the problem. Needless to say, the latest version of PicLens doesn’t have this problem.